We are a preferred supplier on the Highlands and Islands Enterprise Support for Communities Framework. We have successfully delivered a wide range of projects from options appraisals and funding strategies to business plans and community consultation for community planning.
Community Development Plans have been delivered across Scotland, including the Orkney Islands of Eday, Sanday and Papay.
Work undertaken
The groups we worked with often lack the capacity to create their own Development Plans without external support. SKS work closely with community groups to engage with the community to identify the priorities for inclusion in their future development plan.
Work included assessment of past plans, mapping community assets, research, thorough community consultation with all age/interest groups and analysis of all information gathered.
SKS created ambitious but realistic Development Plans for each island community Eday which reflected the outcomes of engagement. The plan identified priorities for future projects and delivered a framework within which the community groups can operate with confidence.
We are now better equipped to play an active role in improving the sustainability of our community.