Wild Skies Shetland, Options Appraisal and Project Development

Business SupportCase StudiesFundingStrategy & Development

SKS Scotland worked with the Wild Skies Shetland team and John Gilbert Architects to scope out the options for a Wild Skies Project in Unst, Shetland.

After the initial options appraisal, we carried out further work to develop architect and design briefs, together with a funding strategy and operational plan to move the project to phase 1 delivery.

SKS then supported project delivery with funding application input and marketing expertise.

Work Undertaken

SKS Scotland and JGA spent four days on site in Unst to visit all potential sites and meet with the wide range of stakeholders engaged with the Wild Skies concept. We scoped options and worked up early stage designs, providing a phased approach to enable the project to be progressed more easily.

Clarification of aims, objectives, action plans and potential outputs were all part of the business planning process, resulting in a final document which supported funding applications for phase one of the Wild Skies Project.


SKS has been engaged with Wild Skies Shetland for approximately four years, supporting and guiding progress and providing input in a flexible manner that has enabled Wild Skies to develop and grow confidence throughout.

An options appraisal, business plan, funding applications and marketing support have all been provided during this time and the project is progressing well.

Thank you SO much for all your work on this, and for your enthusiasm throughout. I am also delighted with the final report. We’ll keep you in the loop with how things progress

Chair, Wild Skies Shetland

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